It’s time once again time for “OOH for the Holidays!”
For the second consecutive year, we’re analyzing the largest DMAs in the country to identify the best available Out of Home inventory for reaching gift buying audience segments this holiday season.
This year’s DMAs include New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and Boston. Across these markets, we have captured demographic data points across the following categories to help brands successfully reach their target consumer audiences during this crucial time of year:
- Items/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Computers
- Items/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Computer
- Items/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Game console
- Items/services household plans to buy in next 12 months High-definition TV
- Items/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Smartphone
- Items bought past 12 months Skin care items
- Items bought past 12 months Cosmetics/perfumes
- Items bought past 12 months Fine jewelry
- Persons 18+
- Persons 21+
- Persons 18-34
- Persons 25-54
Included in the analysis is inventory for roadside and place-based media, total impressions for each piece of inventory in the market, and total available impressions across target audiences for each media type. This year’s fact pack also features an introduction to the “OOH for the Holidays” DMA Infographic we create for each market.